Quokka Freedom Association

This site is dedicated to restoring the rights of quokkas to enter all areas of Rottnest Island, including markets selling food and snacks.

A free quokka is a well-fed quokka!
StoreQuokka Rights Status
Geordie Bay General StoreTo be determined
Rottnest General StoreTo be determined


  1. Are there fines for feeding quokkas? Sadly yes, but this simply could be considered a cost of doing business on Rottnest Island. Please patronize stores that support quokka rights, so that they can better afford the fines.
  2. Are human foods unhealthy for quokkas? There is much debate of this topic, however this is a lesser concern for many quokkas than getting a hold of that food to make up their own minds.
  3. Is this site written by quokkas? No, but the opinions of quokkas have been carefully studied prior to constructing this site.
  4. Does this site have any association with Monash University? No, but it is the opinion of this site that Monash University should dedicate greater resource towards research and education concerning quokka rights.